Functional Reactive Programming on Android With RxJava

Shameless plug: if after reading this article, you want to know more, come hear me talk at DroidCon UK 2013!

If you are an application developer, there are two inconvenient truths:

  1. Modern applications are inherently concurrent.
  2. Writing concurrent programs that are correct is difficult.

In the domain of mobile or desktop applications, parallel execution allows for responsive user interfaces because we can move computations into the background while the UI responds to ongoing user interactions. Code must execute concurrently to not stray from this fundamental requirement. Writing such programs is diffcult because on mobile they are typically written in imperative languages like C or Java. Writing concurrent code in imperative languages is difficult because code is written in terms of interweaved, temporal instructions that move objects or data structures from one state to another. This imperative style of programming inherently produces side effects. It presents several problems when running instructions in parallel, such as race conditions when writing to a shared resource.

Resistance is futile–or is it?

Developers have grown accustomed to the drawbacks of expressing concurrency in imperative languages. On platforms like Android where Java is (still) the dominant language, concurrency simply sucks, and we should just give in and deal with it. I personally keep a close eye on the server side end of the spectrum. Over the past few years, functional programming has made an astounding comeback in terms of rate of adoption and innovation, the details of which I will not get into here. In the case of concurrency, functional programming has a very simple answer to dealing with shared state: don’t have it.

Problems of concurrent programming with AsyncTask

Being based on Java, Android comes with a standard number of Java concurrency primitives such as Threads and Futures. While these tools make it easy to perform simple asynchronous tasks, they are fairly low level and require a substantial amount of diligence when you use them to model complex interactions between concurrent objects. A frequent use case on Android or any UI-driven application is to perform a background job and then update the UI with the result of the operation. Android provides AsyncTask for exactly that:

class DownloadTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, File> {

  protected File doInBackground(String... args) {
    final String url = args[0];
    try {
      byte[] fileContent = downloadFile(url);
      File file = writeToFile(fileContent);
      return file;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // ???

  protected void onPostExecute(File file) {
    Context context = getContext(); // ???
        "Downloaded: " + file.getAbsolutePath(),

This looks straightforward. Define a method doInBackground that accepts something through its formal parameters, and returns something as the result of the operation. Android guarantees that this code will execute in a thread that is not the main user-interface thread. We also define a UI callback function onPostExecute that receives the result of the computation and can consume it on the main UI thread, since Android guarantees that this method will always be invoked on the main thread.

In search for the jigsaw-puzzle pieces

So far so good. What’s wrong with this picture? Let’s start with doInBackground, which downloads a file–a costly operation because it involves network and disk I/O. There are many things that can go wrong, so we want to recover from errors, and add a try-catch block. What do we do in the catch block? Log the error? Perhaps we want to inform the user about this error too, which likely involves interacting with the UI. Wait, we cannot do that because we are not allowed to update any user-interface elements from a background thread. Bummer.

It should be easy to handle that error in onPostExecute. We might reason that it is as simple as holding on to the exception in a private field (i.e. we write it on the background thread), and check in onPostExecute (i.e. read it on the UI thread) if that field is set to something other than null (did I mention we love null checks) and display it to the user in some way shape or form. But wait, how do we obtain a reference to a Context, without which we cannot do anything meaningful with the UI? Apparently, we have to bind it to the task instance up front, at the point of instantiation, and keep a reference to it throughout a task’s execution. But what if the download takes a minute to run? Do we want to hold on to an Activity instance for an entire minute? What if the user decides to back out of the Activity that triggered the task, and we are holding on to a stale reference. This not only creates a substantial memory leak, but is also worthless because meanwhile it has been detached from the application window. A problem that everyone is well aware of.

Beyond the basics

There are other problems with all this. The preceding task is incredibly simple. Picture a more complicated scenario where we need to orchestrate a number of such operations. For example, we might want to fetch some JSON from a service API, parse it, map it, filter it, cache it to disk, and only then feed the result to the UI. All the aforementioned operations should–as per the single responsibility principle–exist as separate objects, perhaps exposed through different services. It is difficult and non-intuitive to use AsyncTask because it requires grouping any number of combinations of service interactions into separate task classes. This results in a proliferation of meaningless task classes, from the perspective of your business logic.

Another option is to have one task class per service-object invocation, or wrap the service objects themselves in AsyncTasks. Composing service objects means nesting AsyncTask, which leads to what is commonly referred to as “callback hell” because you start tasks from a task callback from a task callback from a … you get the idea.

Last but not least, AsyncTasks scheduling behavior varies significantly across different versions of Android. It’s changed from a capped thread pool in the 1.x days (with varying bounds depending on the API level) to a single thread executor model in 4.x. Read that again. Your tasks (plural) do not run concurrently to each other on ICS devices and beyond (although they do run concurrently to the main UI thread). Why did Google decide to serialize task execution? Developers could not get it right, applications suffered from nasty problems due to race conditions and incorrectly synchronized code.

The inconvenient truth

Should we still use Thread and AsyncTask?

The answer is “probably”. For simple, one-shot jobs that do not require much orchestration, AsyncTask is fine. For anything more complex it is doable, but requires juggling with volatiles, WeakReferences, null checks, and other defensive, unconfident mechanisms. Perhaps worst of all, it requires you to think about things that have nothing to do with the problem that you set out to solve, which is
to download a file.

Enter RxJava–now with more Android

To come back to the initial problem statement, do we have to give in to the lack of high-level abstractions and deal with it, or do better solutions exist? Turns out that functional programming might have an answer to this. “But wait” you might say, “I still wanna use Java?”. Turns out, yes, you can. It is not super pretty (at least not unless Google whips out its magic wand and gives us Java 8 and closures on Dalvik, or unless you feel attracted to anonymous classes and six levels of identation). However, it solves all of the problems in one fell swoop:

  • No standard mechanism to recover from errors
  • Lack of control over thread scheduling (unless you like to dig deep)
  • No obvious way to compose asynchronous operations
  • No obvious and hassle-free way of attaching to Context

RxJava is an implementation of the Reactive Extensions (Rx) on the JVM, courtesy of Netflix. Rx was first conceived by Erik Meijer on the Microsoft .NET platform, as a way of combining data or event streams with reactive objects and functional composition. In Rx, events are modeled as observable streams to which observers are subscribed. These streams, or observables for short, can be filtered, transformed, and composed in various ways before their results are emitted to an observer. Every observer is defined within three messages: onNext, onCompleted, and onError. Concurrency is a variable in this equation, and abstracted away in the form of schedulers. Generally, every observable stream exposes an interface that is modeled after concurrent execution flows (i.e. you don’t call it, you subscribe to it), but by default is executed synchronously. Introducing schedulers can make an observable execute using various concurrency primitives such as threads, thread pools, or even Scala actors. Here is an example:

Subscription sub = Observable.from(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

// ...


This creates a new, observable stream from the given list of integers, and emits them one after another on the given observer. The use of subscribeOn and observeOn configures the stream to emit the numbers on a new Thread, and to receive them on the Android main UI thread. For example, the observer’s onNext method is called on the main thread. Eventually, you unsubscribe from the observable. Here is an example Observer implementation:

public class IntObserver implements Observer<Integer> {

  public void onNext(Integer value) {
     System.out.println("received: " + value);

  // onCompleted and onError omitted

For something more interesting, you can implement the download task as an Rx Observable:

private Observable<File> downloadFileObservable() {
    return Observable.create(new OnSubscribeFunc<File>() {
        public Subscription onSubscribe(Observer<? super File> fileObserver) {
            try {
                byte[] fileContent = downloadFile();
                File file = writeToFile(fileContent);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            return Subscriptions.empty();

The preceding example creates a method that builds an Observable stream, which in this case only ever emits a single item (the file) to which a File observer can connect. Whenever this observable is subscribed to, its onSubscribe function triggers and executes the task at hand. If the task can be carried out successfully, deliver the result to the observer through onNext so onNext can properly react to it. Then signal completion by using onCompleted. If an exception is raised, deliver it to the observer through onError. As an example, you can use this from a Fragment:

class MyFragment extends Fragment implements Observer<File> {
  private Subscription subscription;

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    subscription = AndroidObservables.fromFragment(this, downloadFileObservable())

  private Observable<File> downloadFileObservable() { /* as above */ }

  protected void onDestroy() {

  public void onNext(File file) {
        "Downloaded: " + file.getAbsolutePath(),

  public void onCompleted() {}

  public void onError(Throwable error) {
        "Download failed: " + error.getMessage(),

By using RxJava, the aforementioned issues are solved all at the same time. The fromFragment call transforms the given source observable in such a way that events will only be emitted to the fragment if it’s still alive and attached to its host activity. Call unsubscribe in onDestroy to ensure that all references to the fragment, which is also the observer, are released.

You can have proper error handling through an observer’s onError callback. Also, you can execute the task on any given scheduler with a simple method call. Doing so gives you fine-grained control over where the expensive code is run and where the callbacks will run, all without you having to write a single line of synchronization logic. Futhermore, RxJava allows you to compose and transform observables to obtain new ones, which enables you to reuse code easily. For example, to not emit the File itself, but merely its path, transform the existing observable:

Observable<String> filePathObservable = downloadFileObservable().map(new Func1<File, String>() {
    public String call(File file) {
        return file.getAbsolutePath();

// now emits file paths, not `File`s
subscription = filePathObservable.subscribe(/* Observer<String> */);

You can see how powerful this way of expressing asynchronous computations is. At SoundCloud, we are moving most of our code that relies heavily on event-based and asynchronous operations to Rx observables. For convenience, we contributed AndroidSchedulers that schedule an observer to receive callbacks on a Handler thread. See rxjava-android. We are also in the process of contributing those operators back that allow observing observables from Fragments and Activities in an easy and safe way, as seen in the previous example.

In a nutshell, RxJava finally makes concurrency and event-based programming on Android hassle free. Note that we follow the same strategy on iOS using GitHub’s Reactive Cocoa library because we have committed ourselves to the functional-reactive paradigm. We think that it is an exciting development that leads to code that is more stable, easier to unit test, and free of low-level state or concurrency concerns that would otherwise take over your service objects.

To hear more about this topic, watch this interview with our Director of Mobile Engineering on Root Access Berlin and come see me at DroidCon UK 2013 where I will be speaking about RxJava and its use in the SoundCloud application on the developer track.